Building Healthy Ecosystems.
Grassland Restoration
Our grassland preservation project is underway at Engler Canyon Ranch and will trickle over to other properties. Every detail is considered as we ensure that our development won’t impede existing habitats. Any decorative landscaping is designed around species that are favorites for nesting birds, a refuge for toads, beneficial for pollinators, and drought tolerant.
Seed Collection and Grow Outs
This project’s goal is to sustainably collect healthy indigenous plants, rare and endangered food crops, forgotten vegetables, edible perennials, soil preservers, and plants that are vital to local pollinators. Our seed breeding protocols ensure the right seeds are selected for traits that improve virility for regional conditions.
Food Crop Breeding:
We are working toward successfully fostering a resilient landscape by re-establishing indigenous plant cover that is able to thrive within regional conditions. Additionally, we are actively selecting soil saving perennials that can cope with dynamic, adverse conditions, such as fluctuating temperatures, drought, and high salinity.
Tree Planting
Trees and diverse ecosystems are a vital part of every habitat, so we put the grunt work in! Engler Canyon Ranch is home to hundreds of recently planted deciduous trees, serviceberries, fruits and flowering trees and shrubs, and we increase that every year. We also assist community and conservation groups in replanting damaged sites and delicate ecosystems to protect those who need it most.
Native Wildflowers and Pollinators
Every one of our projects has a pollinator aspect built in as part of our mandate. We do this in order to help counter the negative effects of modern agriculture, specifically monoculture and pesticide sprays, as well as the loss of biodiversity which is crucial to keeping flora and fauna healthy.
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